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Symptoms of a ruptured disc and treatment options

Symptoms of a ruptured disc occur when one or more of the spine’s discs becomes damaged and pushes into the spinal canal. If ruptured disc material puts pressure on nerve roots or the spinal cord, then symptoms like radiating pain, numbness, weakness and tingling can develop.

When spinal discs are healthy, they are filled with a gel-like substance that absorbs shock and allows us to move our neck and back freely. As we age, these discs wear out and the inner core can push through a tear in the disc’s tough outer layer. Age-related deterioration of the spine can lead to a condition called degenerative disc disease that is one of the most common underlying causes of a ruptured disc.

Common ruptured disc symptoms

Ruptured disc symptoms vary widely, depending on the position of the ruptured disc and the size of its herniation. Typically, a ruptured disc is preceded by neck or lower back pain. For a cervical (upper) ruptured disc, symptoms can travel to the shoulders, arms and hands. In the case of a lumbar (lower) ruptured disc, symptoms can radiate to the buttocks, hips, legs and feet.

Symptoms of a ruptured disc can include:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Muscle weakness
  • Shoulder, arm, or chest pain
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Sciatica
  • Pain in your lower back, hips, buttocks, legs, and feet
  • Severe deep muscle pain
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control, which indicates a medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention

Treatment for ruptured disc symptoms

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of a ruptured disc, consult with your physician. He or she can determine the cause of your discomfort or pain and prescribe a treatment plan, which could include over-the-counter medication and physical therapy.

In some cases, patients diagnosed with a ruptured disc require more than standard treatment to return to daily activities like playing golf, shopping or going to work. For those patients, there are other options available — such as minimally invasive spine surgery performed on an outpatient basis at USA Spine Care. With a faster recovery time^ and fewer risks than traditional open spine surgery, USA Spine Care’s treatments can help you find lasting relief from neck and back pain. For more information about our facilities and our highly skilled surgeons, contact us today.

We are pleased to offer a no-cost MRI or CT scan review* to determine if you are a potential candidate for one of our procedures.

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