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Ruptured disc alternative treatments include yoga

If you’re dealing with the symptoms of a ruptured disc such as pain, weakness, tingling or numbness and conventional treatments have not offered relief, you may have looked into alternative treatments. While these therapies are still outside of the medical mainstream, many patients report positive results. By working with your doctor to find the right combination of treatments that is best for you, it is possible to develop a comprehensive care plan that can offer you long-term relief from symptoms of this condition.

What is a ruptured disc?

Before discussing treatment options, it is good to understand exactly what the condition is. A ruptured disc, also commonly known as a herniated or slipped disc, occurs when the soft, inner material of a spinal disc pushes through the thicker outer wall and extends into the spinal column. While this condition by itself isn’t necessarily painful, when disc tissue compresses a nearby nerve root or the spinal cord, it can cause pain and other symptoms.

Restorative yoga as part of a treatment plan

In addition to methods like acupuncture, herbal remedies or chiropractic care, one very common alternative treatment for a ruptured disc is restorative yoga. This form of yoga is designed to be as gentle and low-impact as possible to help people dealing with chronic pain and other issues. While you should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program, this option is often a great way to improve flexibility and reduce pain in your neck and back. Practicing yoga under the guidance of a trained expert can help you strengthen muscles, lose weight, reduce stress and improve support for your spine, all of which can help combat the negative effects of a ruptured disc.

When to consider surgery for a ruptured disc

Surgery can become an option if conservative methods like physical therapy, spinal injections and therapeutic massage as well as alternative treatments like yoga have been exhausted and symptoms still remain debilitating. If you are in this situation, contact USA Spine Care today. Our board-certified surgeons+ perform minimally invasive spine surgery that is an alternative to traditional open neck or back procedures and can help you find meaningful relief from neck and back pain.

We will be happy to provide a free MRI review* to help you find out if you are a potential candidate for one of our outpatient procedures.

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