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The basics of herniated disc keyhole surgery

Herniated disc keyhole surgery is a minimally invasive procedure designed to relieve the pain and other symptoms associated with a herniated spinal disc. The term “keyhole” is a popular term referring to the size of the incision used by a surgeon to access the affected area of the spine, which is relatively small compared to larger incisions used for traditional open neck or back surgery. Surgery of any kind is usually a last resort, to be considered if nonsurgical treatment methods have not relieved symptoms enough to comfortably engage in day-to-day activities.

If your life is being disrupted by a herniated disc and you are exploring surgical options because you and your doctor have decided conservative treatments are no longer effective, the following information can help you learn about your options. By having a better understanding of what is involved in herniated disc keyhole surgery you can make a more confident treatment decision with a better chance of returning you to the life you’ve been missing.

Overview of minimally invasive spine surgery

For conditions like a herniated disc, where disc material pushes out into the spinal column and causes nerve compression, the goal of a surgical procedure is to access the spine and remove excess disc material to relieve pressure on nerves. With traditional open spine surgery this requires a large muscle-tearing incision, an overnight hospital stay and a long recovery period.

Due to advances in technology, such as indirect viewing and surgical microtools, a more minimally invasive approach to spine surgery has become possible. USA Spine Care has helped more than 75,000 patients find relief from neck or back pain since 2005 and is the leader in minimally invasive spine surgery. Our procedures are performed by our team of board-certified surgeons+ and offer patients the following benefits:

  • A less than 1-inch incision
  • Muscle tissue is pushed aside rather than disrupted
  • An outpatient procedure
  • Shorter recovery time compared to traditional open spine surgery^

Reach out to USA Spine Care

Undergoing spine surgery is a big decision and should be made on a well-informed basis and with the close partnership of your primary care doctor. If you are researching herniated disc keyhole surgery because you have concerns about traditional open spine procedures, reach out to USA Spine Care. Our caring and dedicated team can help you learn more and get a no-cost MRI review* to determine if you may be a candidate for one of our procedures.

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