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Facet syndrome — alternative treatment options

For some patients, alternative treatments — remedies that are not a part of mainstream medicine — may prove useful in reducing the symptoms of facet syndrome. There are many reasons why patients choose alternative treatment options, ranging from personal belief to feeling like more conventional treatments have been exhausted. Of course, before beginning any treatment plan you should consult a physician.

Facet syndrome is a term that generally describes the natural deterioration of the joints in the spine, called the facet joints. Like any joint in the body, the protective articular cartilage within these joints wears away over years of movement. This degeneration can progress to the point that bone-on-bone contact occurs once cartilage has eroded away. Inflammation results, causing pain and stimulating the development of bone spurs. Bone spurs can cause further symptoms by narrowing the spinal column and compressing nerves.

These symptoms can be very disruptive to your life, straining your work, relationships and making the activities you enjoy difficult to participate in. Learning about the full range of treatment options, including alternative treatment options, is a great first step in getting the care you need to return to a healthy, active life.

Alternative treatment options for facet syndrome

If you decide to pursue alternative treatments after being diagnosed with facet syndrome, it is important to thoroughly research the methods you pursue. Make sure that any practitioner you seek out is a licensed, experienced professional with a good reputation. Keeping your physician informed of any treatment you seek is critical. You can also ask if there is a method or practitioner he or she would recommend or refer you to.

These are some alternative treatments for facet syndrome that are commonly sought out by patients:

  • Yoga and Pilates
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal remedies
  • Chiropractic care

When to consider surgery

If weeks or months of conservative or alternative treatment have not brought the relief you need to return to normal activity and quality of life, contact USA Spine Care. Our minimally invasive outpatient spine surgery is an alternative to traditional open spine procedures and offers many benefits compared to them. Our highly skilled surgeons are able to access the spine with a less than 1-inch incision.

For a no-cost MRI review* to see if you may be a candidate for our minimally invasive spine surgery, reach out to USA Spine Care today.

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