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Water exercise for degenerative joint disease treatment

Water exercise is an excellent option to consider for degenerative joint disease treatment. Also known as osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease can occur anywhere in the body, including the spinal column. Strengthening and stretching exercises are often effective at helping to relieve joint pain and maintaining range of motion in the joints. Individuals both young and old can benefit from doing these exercises in a pool, as the water provides buoyancy and cushioning that’s ideal for minimizing impact on the joints and improving circulation.

Water exercise options

There are numerous water exercises that you can try as part of your degenerative joint disease treatment plan. Finding the exercises that you enjoy and that provide the best relief from joint pain can take time with so many options to consider, including:

  • Water walking. Walking or jogging through water is an easy aerobic exercise that you can do on your own, at your own pace.
  • Swimming laps. Another exercise that is easy to do on your own is swimming. You can choose the stroke that suits you best, as well as the number of laps you want to complete.
  • Water aerobics classes. Water exercise classes are on the rise, and there are even options specifically designed for individuals with degenerative joint disease. You can typically find programs at community centers or YMCAs.
  • Strengthening and stretching techniques. Many standing exercises that can be completed on dry land, including physical therapy techniques, can also be done in the water. Additionally, options like yoga and tai chi classes can be adapted for the water as well.

Other spinal degenerative joint disease treatments

In addition to water exercise, there are many other degenerative joint disease treatment options that may be helpful, such as over-the-counter pain relievers, physical therapy and practicing a healthy lifestyle. As with any treatment or exercise, it’s best to consult with a physician to help you determine the options that suit your needs.

In many cases, conservative treatments like water exercise provide sufficient relief from symptoms of degenerative joint disease. When these are not enough, though, your physician may recommend surgery. USA Spine Care is a leading provider of minimally invasive spine surgery, helping more than 60,000 patients find relief from conditions such as degenerative joint disease.^

Contact USA Spine Care for a no-cost MRI review* to determine if you are a candidate for one of our minimally invasive procedures.

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