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Three signs you should seek out professional disc protrusion treatment

How do you know that your disc protrusion requires treatment? The simple answer is that if your condition is detracting from your overall quality of life, it’s time to see a physician. You may have been diagnosed with the condition before, only to see your relatively minor symptoms worsen. Or maybe this is your first time coping with the symptoms of a protruding disc. Either way, you should speak to a medical professional about disc protrusion treatment if you observe any of the following signs.

Sign No. 1: Your symptoms have negatively impacted your lifestyle

Whether you’ve had to take steps to manage your pain at work or you’ve been thinking twice about participating in the leisure activities you love, the symptoms caused by a protruding disc can be detrimental to your usual routine. Sometimes, you can augment your lifestyle in small, beneficial ways — such as making your workspace more ergonomic — to find a solution. However, if you’re having trouble with essential tasks like walking, shopping and driving, it’s time to consider a visit to your physician for help with more formal disc protrusion treatment.

Sign No. 2: Your symptoms aren’t going away

In some cases, a protruding disc’s symptoms will resolve on their own. However, if you have been coping with pain and other issues for weeks or months without seeing any improvement — or have even seen your symptoms worsen — contact your physician. A more intensive disc protrusion treatment program designed to suit your specific needs may be just the thing to help you feel better.

Sign No. 3: You’ve noticed symptoms that indicate an emergency

In the majority of cases, disc protrusion symptoms don’t need to be treated immediately, as difficult as they may be to live with. However, in very rare cases, a protruding disc can place pressure on the bundle of nerves that run to the so-called “saddle” area, encompassing the thighs, buttocks and anywhere else that would touch a saddle if you sat in one. The loss of sensation in this area, particularly when coupled with bladder or bowel control problems, can indicate cauda equina syndrome, an emergency condition that should be addressed by a medical professional immediately because delaying treatment can risk permanent nerve damage and even paralysis.

If you’ve already sought out disc protrusion treatment and you haven’t seen improvement after weeks or months of trying conservative approaches to manage your symptoms, a minimally invasive spine surgery at USA Spine Care may be able to help. To learn all about our advantageous approach to spine surgery and to see if you’re a candidate, contact us.

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