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How long will it take to recover after degenerative spine surgery?

Degenerative spine surgery may be necessary for individuals with neck or back pain and other symptoms that have not improved after trying conservative treatments. If your physician has recommended surgery, you probably have a lot of questions about what to expect, especially when it comes to the recovery process.

Recovery from traditional degenerative spine surgery

There are many different types of degenerative spine surgery, and the procedure you receive will depend on the specific condition you have as well as its location, your general health and other considerations. In general, traditional open neck or back surgeries are more invasive and will require longer recovery times than minimally invasive surgery, such as the procedures offered at USA Spine Care.^ Many patients spend about four to six weeks resting at home before starting to return to work and other regular activities. Additionally, along with the type of procedure you receive, factors that influence recovery time include:

  • The severity of the condition. The more severe your condition is, the more extensive the surgery will need to be, which may result in a longer recovery time.
  • How soon you get active. Getting back up on your feet and staying mobile can help you recover sooner and reduce the amount of scar tissue that can build up.
  • Wound care. Keeping the wound clean as it heals is important for preventing infections and other complications, which may extend the recovery time.

Minimally invasive spine surgery at USA Spine Care

If your physician has recommended spine surgery to treat your condition, you can turn to USA Spine Care to find out if you’re a candidate for one of our outpatient procedures. Our board-certified surgeons specialize in minimally invasive spine surgery and have already helped more than 75,000 patients.

To learn more about receiving degenerative spine surgery at USA Spine Care, contact us today for a no-cost MRI review.*

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