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Three types of failed back surgery syndrome treatment options

There are several failed back surgery syndrome treatment options that patients can consider if this difficult condition develops after undergoing a spine procedure. However, the effectiveness of treatment and the options available will depend entirely on the specific patient. Failed back surgery syndrome is a general term that applies to patients who experience a wide range of complications after spine surgery. Symptoms can range from dull aching pain to debilitating, chronic symptoms that are as bad or worse as the symptoms the surgery was supposed to treat. In terms of treatment, what works for one patient won’t necessarily work for everyone. That’s why, if you believe you have failed back surgery syndrome, it’s important to work with your surgeon or primary physician to identify the source of the problem and determine your next steps.

Treatment options to consider

Below are three types of options that patients with failed back surgery syndrome might pursue. Although this can be a particularly frustrating condition to deal with, it is important to understand that it is possible to find lasting relief and a good quality of life even if you are dealing with FBSS. Here are three primary categories that are often recommended:

  1. Nonsurgical treatment. Upon development of symptoms related to FBSS, doctors will typically first recommend a course of conservative options to help manage pain and other issues. The use of pain medication, anti-inflammatories and epidural injections may be recommended and a spine specialist may also prescribe a carefully designed physical therapy plan that includes various stretching techniques and exercises.
  2. Complementary or alternative medicine. There are many different complementary and alternative techniques that some patients pursue, although these approaches are typically viewed as outside of the medical mainstream. Even so, many patients report that certain treatments may help manage some of the symptoms of failed back surgery syndrome. Some patients find acupuncture, acupressure, essential oils and other similar remedies to be beneficial.
  3. Additional surgery. While the prospect of more surgery may not be especially appealing, it can start to look like the best option if symptoms are severe and quality of life is being disrupted. The goal of surgery will depend entirely on a patient’s specific case, the severity of the symptoms, the cause of the failed back surgery syndrome and other factors.

Minimally invasive spine surgery for failed back surgery syndrome

While failed back surgery syndrome is impossible to anticipate, there are several guidelines you should follow in the days and weeks after your procedure that can help you achieve the best chance of surgical success. For information about failed back surgery syndrome treatment options that might be appropriate in your unique case, speak with your surgeon and physician.

At USA Spine Care, we give our patients very clear instructions about what they should do as they recover from our minimally invasive spine surgery, including the activities they should avoid to help limit the risk of postsurgical complications. To learn about our minimally invasive spine procedures, contact us today. Our outpatient procedures treat a range of spine conditions, including failed back surgery syndrome, while offering patients less risk of complication and a shorter recovery time compared to traditional open spine surgery.

We are happy to help you receive a free MRI or CT scan review* to determine if you are a potential candidate for minimally invasive spine surgery at USA Spine Care.

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