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Seven considerations after disc extrusion surgery

Are you about to undergo surgery for a disc extrusion? If so, you’re undoubtedly looking forward to the relief it will provide for your chronic neck or back pain. But you might also be a little anxious. That’s understandable — even if your procedure is minimally invasive, it will still take time before you are fully recovered.

Managing expectations is vital if your surgical experience is to be a positive one, both physically and mentally. With this in mind, there are a number of things you should take into consideration after disc extrusion surgery, such as:

  • Healing rates vary. The speed of your recovery depends on a number of factors such as your age, fitness level and overall health.
  • Everyone heals differently. Many patients experience almost immediate pain relief, but if you don’t, that’s not a reason for immediate concern. It’s normal to feel some discomfort after surgery.
  • Be careful with medications. You should always keep track of your medications and take them only as instructed by your doctor. And, never drive or consume alcohol while taking prescription painkillers or muscle relaxers.
  • Keep the surgical site dry. You won’t be able to soak or swim for the first two weeks after surgery, or until your incision is healed.
  • Take it easy. Activity levels should gradually increase in the days and weeks following your procedure, so you need to follow the guidelines laid out by your physician. Take care not to overtax yourself by lifting too much or moving in a way that puts undue strain on your spine.
  • Wear your brace. You’ll probably need to wear a neck or back brace for four to six weeks after your operation.
  • Watch the danger signs. Complications after back surgery are rare but they do sometimes happen. If you experience difficulty breathing, chest pains, a fever of 101 degrees or higher, discharge from the incision site or a severe headache that is worse when you are sitting up than it is when you are lying down, seek medical attention immediately.

If you have been diagnosed with a disc extrusion and have been told surgery will be required to manage your symptoms, contact USA Spine Care today. We will be happy to begin the process of determining whether you would be a good candidate for one of our minimally invasive surgeries.

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