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Tips to improve your sleep when dealing with a cervical degenerative spine

Degenerative disorders are fairly common in the cervical spine (neck area) of individuals over the age of 50 due to the constant movement this area of the spine is subjected to. Over time, elements in the spine can deteriorate, leading to conditions like spinal osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and more. Many of these conditions can be mild and result in few (if any) symptoms. However, if nerve compression results from spinal degeneration, an individual may experience painful symptoms in the neck, shoulders, upper back and arms.

Sleeping with neck pain

While degenerative spine in the neck can make many daily undertakings more difficult, getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for your overall health. Here are some tips that may help you get the rest you need:

  • Sleep on your back. Sleeping on your back allows the spine to rest in a natural position and can reduce any strain caused by a degenerative condition.
  • Use the right pillow. It might be better to use a flatter pillow when you sleep to reduce the amount your neck needs to bend. You may also want to consider an orthopedic pillow with a deeper depression for your head.
  • Deal with your sleep disturbances. Studies show that individuals who don’t get a good night’s sleep are more prone to developing spinal conditions, possibly because sleep disturbances reduce muscle relaxation in the spine.
  • Stretch before bed. Loosening your neck muscles before turning in could help alleviate neck pain and allow for a better night’s sleep.

Cervical degenerative spine treatment

If you are experiencing neck pain and other symptoms related to spinal degeneration, you will be happy to know that there are many treatment possibilities that could help alleviate your symptoms. Many individuals experience symptom relief after following a conservative treatment regimen for several weeks, incorporating options like anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy and periods of rest.

However, if you are experiencing severe symptoms because of degenerative spine in the neck and conservative treatment offers little relief, it might be time to visit USA Spine Care to receive a free MRI review* to determine if you are a candidate for minimally invasive neck surgery. Our board-certified surgeons+ have helped more than 75,000 individuals to date, and our outpatient procedures require no lengthy recovery.^

Contact USA Spine Care today to learn more about our minimally invasive procedures.

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