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Exercises that may provide canal stenosis pain relief

If you’ve been diagnosed with canal stenosis, finding meaningful pain relief may be a bit of a challenge. But, while adequately managing your symptoms may require several different types of treatment, including lifestyle changes and exercise, it is entirely possible. Many people are able to keep their discomfort under control with a combination of nonsurgical options.

How exercise can help with back pain

Exercise can not only help you keep your muscles strong and flexible, but it can also help you maintain a healthy body weight, ensuring that your spine doesn’t have to deal with the additional strain of supporting extra pounds. And, certain stretches can even temporarily relieve pressure on the nerves and nerve roots in your spine, helping you cope when your symptoms are particularly strong.

Stretches for neck and back pain

The first thing you’ll want to do before starting a new exercise plan is to consult with your physician or physical therapist. He or she can provide you with a customized exercise plan for canal stenosis pain relief.

Some of the exercises that your treatment team may recommend include:

  • Side-to-side neck stretches. For this simple stretch, stand up straight with your arms at your sides and your shoulders squared. Slowly tilt your head to the left, getting your ear as close to your shoulder as possible. Hold for several seconds, then slowly roll your head forward in a circular motion until you’re mirroring the same position on the right side, pressing your right ear close to your right shoulder. This stretch is most helpful for canal stenosis in the cervical (top section of the) spine.
  • Pelvic tilt stretches. Lie flat on the ground with your arms and legs extended. While pushing your hands and feet into the ground, tip your hips up. This can help relieve pain in your lower back if you have lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Standing bicycle crunches. While effective, this exercise focuses less on relieving pain and more on strengthening the abdominal muscles. A stronger core can provide more support for the spine, which is incredibly important. To practice this exercise, stand with your feet together and your knees slightly bent. Bring your hands up behind your head. Engage your abs by contracting your stomach, then twist your core slightly to the left while raising your left knee toward your right elbow. Hold for several seconds, then release your leg and repeat on the other side.

There are instances, however, where exercise and other nonsurgical therapies don’t produce the desired results. If conservative canal stenosis pain relief options haven’t been working the way that you’d hoped, you can contactUSA Spine Care and ask for a free MRI review.* Our team can let you know if you are a candidate our minimally invasive surgical procedures, which have helped numerous patients find relief from the pain of canal stenosis.

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